There is a HBO miniseries that I love called The Corner. It is based upon a book about the true story of some individuals living in a drug infested area in Baltimore. One of the main characters, Fran, decides to go into drug treatment. She throws one last party the night before she goes into treatment. Fran's brother, Scoogie, who has been clean for a number of years, stops by the party to encourage Fran to follow through with her treatment. Upon being pressured by his other siblings, he performs a skit called Shine about a Black man on the Titanic as it is sinking into the ocean. There is a very powerful moment when Scoogie looks directly at Fran and says "You better get into that water and swim like me."
"Get into the water and swim like me" means taking on this challenge. Don't just stand by doing nothing. Do something. Join us in the water. I was thinking about this just the other day when I heard about Karen Gaffney accomplishing yet another swimming feat just in time for Down Syndrome Awareness Month. Karen Gaffney is certainly in that water asking us to follow her. Robert Pio Hajjar is in there too. Christopher Burke too. And so many others. And then there are the parents like John C. McGinley and all the lovely parents of the blogs I read. And then there are siblings too like Soeren Palumbo.
Just a few days short of two years ago, I was called into the water upon the birth of my beautiful baby girl Quinn. Even before that, I received an invitation by way of an amniocentesis result. These things were all calling me into that water. So I jumped in, what choice did I have? It has been a difficult swim and at times I feel overwhelmed like I am going to go under, but overall it has been a powerful experience that I wouldn't trade for the world. It is truly an honor to be in the water with these beautiful people.
This is my 200th post - wow, that many already. I really appreciate my readers. I do this for my self-care on this journey, but if others find it interesting - that rocks! Thank you.
I have a video today, but you will have to click on the link below. Be sure to watch about Karen Gaffney's recent accomplishment. It is inspirational.
Click HERE for the video!
What day is it, even?
4 years ago
Happy 200th post:)