I just found this on youtube. It is from a documentary of a father who has a son with DS. I am not sure of the circumstances of them being in the hospital, but I can just say that I can so relate and LOVE this video.
What day is it, even?
4 years ago
Hi Karyn, I was directed to your blog by ds.mama. I had been looking for someone who knew anything about seizures and Down syndrome. My son is 7 weeks and was possibly having them 2 weeks ago and is now on anti-seizure meds. We live in a rural state and are taking him to Denver in a few weeks to see a ped neurologist. I read about Quinn's IS-your pain through this is palpable- my heart goes out to you, and her. My 7 year old's teachers son had IS, diagnosed at 4 months, and also did the ACTH. He however does not have Downs on top of it all. I have a blog at schyefamily.blogspot.com if you are interested. I hope you don't mind me following your journey. You all are in my prayers.